When money is not enough- Of affairs and secrets

Natasha Riggs, the former wife of Ryan Riggs brother, is a woman that causes many eyebrows to rise especially in regards to some of the decisions she makes. Especially when it comes to men or the ability(or lack thereof) to stick to one. She is infamous for having an affair with Ryan Giggs when still married to his brother Rhodri. It was an eight long affair that only surfaced when Natasha heard that Ryan had an affair with another woman. Natasha was very angry and spilled all the dirt to a tabloid revealing the eight year old romp that drew a mile long trench in between the two brothers. Ryan had a history of standing up his brother for his rendezvous but this one was the ultimate betrayal.


Well, it seems that Natasha either has viagra or its equivalent for breakfast, or she has the  libido of a whale. It is said that she also had affairs with three other Manchester united players. Namely;Dwight Yorke, Phil Bardsley and Danny Simpson, while they were still playing for Manchester united!!! Really? Is it for the money? I doubt. Because they are not people short on cash. That is why the say money can never buy good morals. Plus she also had an affair with some guy when she run off form her matrimonial home just when the release of the news was fresh and every tongue was waging about them. Even in the midst of all the heat, she couldn’t even lay low? Maybe some people are just wired to do silly mistakes several times in a row before getting to the point where they realize that it is time to seek redemption.

Or maybe she just has a fetish for footballers that sh needs to acknowledge? Well, anyway, she now says that she is apologetic and she wands her former husband back. Rhodri, let me give you free advice. A cat never changes its stripes so run and don’t look back. The past behavior is the best indication of future behavior. Ask Doctor Phil if you don’t believe me. He’d tell you the same.

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