Buffet bum

The thing with buffet is that it brings out the hog in you. It separates the food lovers from just those with huge appetites with no regard or respect for quality of the food. In short, hogs. There was a time I was serving in a buffet setting and the people got in queue as usual. They were extraordinarily famished and I could see them trying to crane their necks to visually sample that which they would have when it was their turn.

A certain man caught my eye. This man had a hard time choosing what to have thus he heaped his plate with all the items on the buffet and his plate had an unholy amount of food. I wondered if all that would fit in him for he was quite small in stature. Plus isn’t that like bowel suicide? Mixing that much food is tempting fate and fate has a way of accepting challenges and giving you exactly what you put it up to plus a little bonus so that next time you will think before acting or speaking rashly.

As the man was precariously balancing his plate, he missed a step and the plate danced a little on his hand. He managed to maintain balance but dropped a gigantic piece of chicken. I saw him attempt to dive for it as it fell and it all played out like a movie in slow mode.You should have seen the look on his face. You’d think someone shot his favorite dog and made him watch it. He was crushed! He just stood there clearly debating whether to pick it up or not.

He looked right, and as his eyes were cruising the room towards the left, his eyes met mine. I could almost see a curse word in the look in his eyes. He looked at me and then down to the chicken and he looked distraught and angry all in one hungry package. Stifling a laugh, I walked up to him and I offered to bring him another piece of chicken. He almost hugged me with appreciation. I think I had just singlehandedly made his day by simply doing my job of looking at guests to see if they need anything.

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