When money is not enough- Of affairs and secrets

Natasha Riggs, the former wife of Ryan Riggs brother, is a woman that causes many eyebrows to rise especially in regards to some of the decisions she makes. Especially when it comes to men or the ability(or lack thereof) to stick to one. She is infamous for having an affair with Ryan Giggs when still married to his brother Rhodri. It was an eight long affair that only surfaced when Natasha heard that Ryan had an affair with another woman. Natasha was very angry and spilled all the dirt to a tabloid revealing the eight year old romp that drew a mile long trench in between the two brothers. Ryan had a history of standing up his brother for his rendezvous but this one was the ultimate betrayal.


Well, it seems that Natasha either has viagra or its equivalent for breakfast, or she has the  libido of a whale. It is said that she also had affairs with three other Manchester united players. Namely;Dwight Yorke, Phil Bardsley and Danny Simpson, while they were still playing for Manchester united!!! Really? Is it for the money? I doubt. Because they are not people short on cash. That is why the say money can never buy good morals. Plus she also had an affair with some guy when she run off form her matrimonial home just when the release of the news was fresh and every tongue was waging about them. Even in the midst of all the heat, she couldn’t even lay low? Maybe some people are just wired to do silly mistakes several times in a row before getting to the point where they realize that it is time to seek redemption.

Or maybe she just has a fetish for footballers that sh needs to acknowledge? Well, anyway, she now says that she is apologetic and she wands her former husband back. Rhodri, let me give you free advice. A cat never changes its stripes so run and don’t look back. The past behavior is the best indication of future behavior. Ask Doctor Phil if you don’t believe me. He’d tell you the same.

A peak into Lewis Hamilton’s personal life

To formula one fanatics, the handsome Lewis Hamilton needs no introduction. He is the guy who won last weeks 2012 Italian Grand Prix as a Mc Lauren driver.

Hamilton was born on 7 January 1985 in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England, and was named after American sprinter Carl Lewis. Hamilton’s mother, Carmen Brenda Larbalestier (now married as Carmen Brenda Lockhart and preferring to be known as Brenda), is white British, while his father, Anthony Hamilton, is black British, making him mixed-race, (Anthony Hamilton’s parents emigrated from Grenada to the United Kingdom in the 1950s). Lewis Hamilton’s parents separated when he was two, as a result of this he lived with his mother and half-sisters Nicola and Samantha until he was twelve, when he started living with his father, stepmother Linda and half-brother Nicolas (who has cerebral palsy). In early 2011, Nicolas signed with Total Control Racing to start a racing career in the 2011 Renault Clio Cup.[13] Hamilton was raised as a Roman Catholic by his father.

Hamilton was educated at The John Henry Newman School, a voluntary aided Catholic secondary school in Stevenage, Hertfordshire.Alongside his interest for racing, he played association football for his school team with England international midfielder Ashley Young. Hamilton said that if Formula One had not worked for him he would have been a footballer, being a big fan of Arsenal F.C.or a cricketer, having played both for his school teams as a youngster. He subsequently attended, in February 2001, Cambridge Arts and Sciences (CATS), a private sixth-form college in Cambridge.At the age of five Hamilton took up Karate in order to defend himself as a result of bullying at school.

Apparently he is not the only one in his family tree who has a love for speed. His 79 year old granddad, Davidson Hamilton, had a love for speed when he was in his native village in Grenada, a Caribbean island.Friends on his native Grenada recall how he roared around the Caribbean island on his powerful BSA motorbike in the early Fifties.Davidson admitted: “I used to be known as the fastest man on two wheels in Grenada — and I like to think that Lewis has some of that in him.”The 500 folk in Davidson’s home fishing village of Grand Roy, on Grenada’s west coast, still talk about his daredevil antics.Close pal Elvis Glean said: “Davidson once took just five minutes to ride the three miles from Grand Roy to the local police station in Gouyave.“He just loved fast riding. People always used to wonder about him, whether he might end up dead. But he never had an accident.”

The most interesting part of Lewis Hamilton’s  life is his love life and his array of beauties. While he was in Cambridge, He met “the love of his life” A Chinese girl by the name Jodia Ma. ( pictured right with Hamilton) They broke of their four year relationship so that Hamilton could go concentrate on Formula One racing. And that was the end of their fairy tale because soon after, Hamilton was seen enticing ladies with his charms and got quite a reputation.
It seems that his high performance is not limited to just the race course. Lewis Hamilton drove beauty queen Cemre Mirel crazy in bed the first time they slept together.The stunning model revealed passionate secrets of a ten-month long affair, and revealed that Lewis was as good in bed as on the racetrack.He was amazing in bed. Id give him 11 out of 10, The Sun quoted her, as saying. ( Too much info if you ask me). Plus Lewis Hamilton has a foot fetish!! Cemre Mirel revealed that Lewis had told her to get a foot pedicure and that he will check before she gets into his bed!? Well, I don’t know what to say.Its a free world so you can do whatever it is that makes you sleep well at night.
A few months after that, In November 2007, Hamilton started dating Nicole Scherzinger, the lead singer of the American girl band Pussycat Dolls(pictured above).  It was announced in January 2010 that they split up to focus on their respective careers. However they were seen together at the 2010 Turkish Grand Prix and at the Canadian Grand Prix in Montreal, on 13 June 2010.They have had an on and off relationship since then but they are rumored to still be together.
Other interesting things in Lewis Hamilton’s life include;

Hamilton was awarded an MBE by the Queen in the 2009 New Year Honours.[

On 18 March 2009, Madame Tussauds unveiled a waxwork of Hamilton in his Vodafone McLaren Mercedes race suit. This wax replica cost around £150,000 and took over six months to complete.

Robin Van Persie’s Other side of life besides Footlball

This impressive 29 year old footballer is also quite the family man with a wife and two kids. His son Shaqueel and daughter Dina. His beautiful wife is called Bouchra.

He was born to two artistic parents who eventually divorced and he was left to be brought up by his father. His parents wanted for him to become an artist but he did not share their view on life. His interest was in football. Van Persie was also quite the trouble kid in school because he was quite a handful and was mostly excluded from class every day. Maybe his feet were itching o go and do what he was born to do. To play!

After joining Arsenal in England, He settle in an affluent suburb of North London called Hampstead. RVP also had some little controversy when he was sued by the then Miss Nigeria Holland with sexual harassment and alleged rape. He suffered a while under the harsh conditions of police cells until later when the beauty queen wanted to gain some publicity from her allegations. Van Persie later revealed how bad it was to be in the prison system that at some point he passed out from the gruesome conditions.
No celebrity marriage has had its share of tremors and RVP is no different, He confessed to have had an affair, but his lovely wife forgave him. He had the affair with the same woman who pinned accusations on him, Sandra Krigjsman. His recent move to Manchester United has not been without its fair share of drama. His wife Bouchra, was bombarded by hate messages from irate Arsenal fans on her twitter account. They called her a gold digger and the reason behind RVP’s move to Man United. Some even wished her death! But Bouchra had other Arsenal fans who were horrified by the messages send her their support. Talk about standing with her husband in all times! Bouchra is quite the woman

The English Premier league 2012-2013 season has already began and it is too early to judge Robin Van Persie’s Performance. We hope he will give all his critics something to be in awe of and give his new owners a reason to brag about.

Its all in the Name…

Choosing a name is an art or an assignment of fate. Most of the time it is random and could end up subjecting you to life long teasing or life long pleasantries. Sometimes the name you have plays a big part in how you turn out. Call it fate, call it coincidence but what I know is that it is true. Even in the ultra competitive world of sport, it seems that the name that one adorns plays a role in how you perform.

Lets take the 2012 Olympics as an example. The legendary Usain bolt is synonymous with speed. He is one athlete who makes sprinting in 9 seconds to seem like a walk in the park. It is sheer finesse merged with undeniable natural talent that few can attest to. Maybe he changed his name to Bolt after he discovered he could run at astonishing speeds. Let’s just hope that he is not fast in all aspects in his life or his spouse would have some problems with him in one particular sector (if you get what I mean) 😉

Then there is our very own David Lekuta Rudisha. He brought back (rudisha) the gold to Kenya from the days of his Father. If you ask me his name was a pointer that this man will definitely not disappoint.

Then there was Katherine Ndereba who drove us to gold medals and marathon titles. Maybe her parents had visions of her driving a big car but fate had bigger things in store for her.

However there are the controversial sportsmen and women who’s names still suit their character. Say for example Tiger Woods. Some say that he used his “wood” to  score all his  Playboy girlfriends and eventually his uber endowed wife. Same wood that eventually led him to carelessly stray. Not just once but severally, even after nailing a trophy wife that many would die to have. (Just look at her picture! Really tiger woods?) Maybe he is just living up to his animal instincts(tiger)! 😉


The controversial Caster Semenya also jumps into my mind. You see in Kimeru, the word for “I don’t know is” is “ntemenya”. No offense intended but one look at Semenya, and you don’t know if she is a lady or not. I mean, have you seen her trying to rock a skirt? Trust me you immediately start thinking that someone should tell her to put on some pants please.


Call it whatever you will but I say that there is a definite part that your name plays in how you turn out. How would you explain kids who even go to the extent of suing their parents because of their names?  So when you get your own little bundle of joy, choose the name wisely lest it come back and bite you in the behind.

Its Swoon Olympics for the Ladies

Whether you care to admit it or not, some people are watching the 2012 London Olympics for reasons other than sheer sportsmanship or the love of one’s country. If everyone was half honest, you would probably hear that most people indeed do watch for alternate reasons than the love for the game. Olympics give the perfect excuse to drool and watch in awe as the fabulously endowed athletes flex their perfectly sculpted physiques. Even previously oblivious people to the world of sports cannot help but stare at the ridiculously attractive athletes. Especially for the ladies. (See what I mean?)



The first guy is the devilishly handsome Ryan Bailey from USA who is hands down the hottest in the 100metres line up, and one contestant who proves to be a surprise in waiting at this years’ race. He has qualified for the Semis and we hope to see him in the finals. The other guy is Jamaica’s Yohan Blake who besides being quite some eye candy, is also a strong contender for the gold.

The heats for the 100 meters men’s race were held today and it was not hard to see why many ladies chose to watch (and shriek at) these heats. The athletes looked like demi – gods in their tight attires and standing tall with their bulging muscles, oozing pure masculine energy. Any lady would hold her breath, where in full view of others or secretly in her mind. I mean, if you can’t have him, whats the harm in admiring. Anyone selling sports posters should produce a few featuring these guys and sell them in ladies havens. You are guaranteed a killing in revenue.

Here are a few more pictures of the top contenders who also happen to be appetizing to the eyes. 😉


From the top; USA’s Justin Gatlin, USA’s Tyson Gay, and the favorite UsainBolt from Jamaica.

Ladies, the list is endless of all the drop dead hunks in the Olympics so gather a bunch of your girlfriends, go out and have some cocktails and fell free to feast your eyes on the gorgeous athletes. if you are in Nairobi Kenya, a perfect suggestion is right here at Blanco’s Sports grill at Galleria Mall near Bomas . After all, life has a few pleasures and they are there to be enjoyed. Right?