11th Bingwa night was off the hook!!

It’s  fun it’s bright, it’s different, it’s edgy. It’s pink underwear! 🙂
Now that I have your attention, let me tell you of something awesome. Its monthly, its definite, its a must have or else your in trouble. What is it? * Drum roll…* BINGWA SPORTS QUIZ NIGHT! What did you think it was?  I digress… The 11th edition of Bingwa Sports quiz was spectacular. If you missed it, just pinch your self 40,000 times because that is how much money you just let slip away.


To newbies here, Bingwa sports quiz is held every first Wednesday of the month right here at Blanco’s Sport’s Grill. Sponsored by Super Sport, Dstv and other partners like Barclays bank, it is a monthly quiz night for sports fanatics and all those searching for a fun thing to help you unwind with your friends.The event is organized by IScan media in conjunction with Blancos Sports Grill, Super Sports, Dstv and others. The grand prize is the Kshs 40,000 that the winning team gets to walk away with, and the runners up get great branded merchandise from Super Sport and the Kenya Premier League jerseys.


This time, people came in troops and they were all guns blazing. All teams were breathing fire and itching for a fight. A mental brawl and battle of the sharpest.A team that particularly stood out in terms of energy were the van full of pakistanis. Looks like their whiskey was doing good things to them. Of noteworthy mention was the presence of the staff of the Barclays bank and their added help. Plus Dstv was at hand with their Dstv Walkas and other decoders.

The night started bright and early with people streaming in as the jam outside cleared. Our flamboyant host Edward Kwach cruised in with all his vocal splendor. The in no time it was time to separate the true sports fans from the groupies. After a spirited fight, these were the top teams:-

  1. Armchair Analysts
  2. Another van full of pakistanis

The armchair analyst were the defending champions and solidified their claim to the crown with a second hefty check the second time round. Who will dethrone these sports fireballs? Tell a friend to tell a friend to tell other friends to come down to Blanco’s next month for the 12th Bingwa Sports Quiz.

Another van of pakistanis might have as well been the winners because they only lost by one point to the winners. They are however true sports people as they still had a ball afterwards and seemed to have motives of bringing the roof down with their enthusiasm.

Before I forget, there is the guy who won the Dstv Walka from the individual question session. Mr Keith!! Big up to you sir! This was his second Dstv Walka in a row!!He might start thinking of putting up a cabinet for that. I think his brain is segmented in Super Sport one , two , three and e.t.c  because to get those questions, you’re either Wikipedia or a certified sports genius.

BIngwa will be back and certainly bigger. Mark the first wednesday of each month as a sacred day to all who claim to be sports fans. Next month it will be on 7th of November. See you there!!