All’s not fair in love and War…

Love chances on all of us. Sometimes it is actually love but most of the time it is just Lust masked behind a flurry of heartwarming words. Other times it is just a passing phase commonly referred to as a crush.

Now when your job or the perception of it gets in the way or completely spoils your chances of nailing someone, it becomes a pain in the rear. As a waiter you serve all manner of people, and being human, there is the occasional crush. The only problem is the perception accorded to waiters. Not all waiters are unschooled unfocused people without any education. I think people forget that so many of the current Big shots did such work as a start to support things like schooling.

This is why I talk like this. There are some guests you serve and they light up your day. Sparks light up the conversation and there is obvious chemistry. A sly smile here, a witty comment there. Every minute is the very definition of blissful. Then they leave the restaurant. After one last glances your way as if to contemplate fate, they walk away. The body language says that they are interested but factors keep them away. The factor is common knowledge. The perception of this work. You both know it so you just let it slide. Its life and sometimes it’s unfair for no apparent reason.

Then there are the workplace affairs. The worst thing you could get yourself into. Your dirty linen suddenly becomes everyone’s business. When love becomes public, it become susceptible to outside involvement and opinion thus at a higher chance of collapse. But if you have learnt to live your life and ignore popular yapping, then you have nothing to worry about. However, the peculiarity of love is that it happens differently to people. I guess that’s why they say all is fair. However when it is so close but yet so far due to factors outside your control, it then becomes a nagging pain inside that keeps whispering what if… (Sigh) But what can we do anyway. C’est la vie!