Take a break

Its interesting to see how motorists take the trouble to service their cars, check their engines and take a keen interest in the well being of their vehicles and yet forget to tend to their own selves. Or you see people working their pants off just to forget to tend to their own well being. You see in this whirlwind called life, a break is just as good as each minute you spend breaking your back to get ends to meet or to make someone ‘up there’ happy. Life’s metaphor has been reduced to a paper chase, judging from all the songs that have been done about the search for the bottomless pockets. I don’t deny the importance of the race, but i implore you to remember the tranquility of well being and serenity of relaxation.

In my opinion, the perfect metaphor to describe life is a sport. The more you work to sharpen your skill, the better you become. However the difference between peak performance and just meager performance is the act of knowing when to rest and when to push your self. The art of balance. An art that got lost in the competition for paper. An art that is as important as existence itself but becoming as rare as the illusive gold. Maybe that is why we had to have the onset of some simply terrifying stress caused conditions to scare us into taking care of ourselves. People read day in and out but never really seem to take in what is really important. Countless quotes exist but none of then permeates our heavily preoccupied minds.

But nature always has a way of evening things out. If you don’t behave, you get what you bargained for. The laws of nature are probably the simplest but are undoubtedly the most profound. Time is the oldest concept yet seemingly the hardest for mankind to grasp.. The clock continually ticks whether we care to pay attention or not and the sooner you wake up, the better. At the risk of sounding like a philosophy professor, I’ll just wind up and say that if you take care of your body and well being, then it will serve you well and get you where you want to be in life with relative ease plus envy from those who were to blind to notice that all work and no play, makes jack a sickly boy. Live, let live and be free.