The late worm catches the storm

You know how they always say that Kenyans are never on time for anything? Tell that to a boss who’s only concern is that you know how to read a watch and doesn’t care from which crevice you hail. You will find your ‘Kenyan’ self kicked out to go join a more ‘Kenyan’ organization. For some people like me, I struggle quite a bit with the concept of time. It passes too fast! One minute you are indulging in something, and the next, two hours are gone. Really? I think I live in a kind of freeze frame where time stops when I am doing something and unfreezes when I am done. Only then, I’m I hit by the fact that time doesn’t freeze and that I should probably buy a watch with a needle as an alarm. So that it can prick me each time it is time to shift to something else or to go somewhere.

In a waiters line of work, punctuality is crucial and is normally a matter of tranquility or world war reloaded from the manager. Usually, when one has just started a new job, you are on your best behavior until you start getting tired of putting up a facade. A serial latecomer will slowly slip back to his ways because punctuality is oh so foreign. I did that. In the first few weeks, I was on time like dawn but I started slipping. Pretty soon I had given so many excuses that I began chuckling before I said anything because even I was finding it hard to believe my own conjured stories. Then I got to have a taste of the consequences.

You see, when you come late at our workplace, you write a report. I wrote many. It was embarrassing. I loathe reports. Why? Because having written documentation of your misdemeanors strewn all over your record, in your own handwriting, is tantamount to career suicide and self damnation. I am not a fan of suicide or similar antics.Far too extremist for my liking. Plus coming late had a way of placing a bad mojo on your day and things just go wrong for no apparent reason. You get the moody guest, the manager is on your back like a shadow, you get bloated thus standing up straight is an issue, and by the end of the day,your nursing a massive headache from hell.

Bad days here have an extra B in the bad so I think its about time to make some resolutions. I don’t think I have it in me, to write more reports or endure more avoidable  bad kharma. It will age me prematurely and I am too young to start getting physically scarred by life.